Amigos agente entende!

"Felizes os que sofrem por amigos, os que falam com o olhar. Porque amigo não se cala, não questiona, nem se rende. Amigo a gente entende!"

quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2011

Quero que seja o meu novembro!

Are you ready for me?
I'm not ready for this love
But I wanted to be
I do not know why I feel I found the reason
or rather, I lost my mind when I met you
before all that made ​​sense
now no longer enough
I know that life is worth much more than that
but what if I do not just want to be loved
but not for any one,
for you!

I love you and when you get to find out how much it is worth an eternity, I still love you!

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